Call for Special Issue Proposals

The JOUNRAL publishes a Special Issue, a collection of closely related research manuscripts on a specific topic. You can submit a proposal as Guest Editor for a Special Issue to JoDA following the instructions below. JoDA's Editorial Board will approve or reject it. If accepted, you (and any co-guest editors) will be responsible for developing the issue and leading the editorial review process. The same procedures and guidelines apply for the review process. (Guidelines, click here)

Information required to submit a proposal for a Special Issue is as follows:

1.Name and affiliation of the proposed Guest Editor. If the number of manuscripts involve larger than eight, a maximum of two Guest Editors can be engaged in making a Special Issue
2.Short CV of the proposed Guest Editor including publications and editorial experience
3.Description of the main topic and focus of the Special Issue embedded in the current field literature of this topic
4.Novel findings and new insights of the Special Issue and their contribution(s)to the field(s)
5.List of manuscripts to be included with full author information and an abstract of each
6.Indicative time-frame of submission including date of submitting manuscripts for publication